Find famous quotes and quotations on appreciation.
Quote 3126
The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.Showing Quotes on appreciation
More quotes on the topics: appreciation principle necessity nature respect
Quote 3104
To criticize is to appreciate, to appropriate, to take intellectual possession, to establish in fine a relation with the criticized thing and to make it one's own.Showing Quotes on appreciation
More quotes on the topics: critism intelligence possession mind appreciation
Quote 2513
Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare, and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruitShowing Quotes on appreciation
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Quote 1175
Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare, and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruitShowing Quotes on appreciation
More quotes on the topics: learning appreciation reward nature
Quote 179
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.Showing Quotes on appreciation
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